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January 12, 2004
Annie's Song
It occured to me that John Denver writes some rather wussy lyrics that some women like but some men have to suffer through like root canal. Like John Denver's "Annie's Song". I mean, just look at it.
Original Version - Annie's Song
You fill up my senses
like a night in the forest
like the mountains in springtime,
like a walk in the rain
like a storm in the desert,
like a sleepy blue ocean
you fill up my senses,
come fill me again.
Come let me love you,
let me give my life to you
let me drown in your laughter,
let me die in your arms
let me lay down beside you,
let me always be with you
come let me love you,
come love me again.
You fill up my senses
like a night in the forest
like the mountains in springtime,
like a walk in the rain
like a storm in the desert,
like a sleepy blue ocean
you fill up my senses,
come fill me again.
Crikey! How are we supposed to get all hot and bothered listening to stuff like that? It makes you want to walk downstairs in just your toga, smash some wimpy hippie's guitar against the wall, and get a cold beer. So to help out those who are in a relationship where one party always wants to hear "Annie's Song", and the other can't friggin' stand it, I wrote a slightly, er, a much dirtier version.
Annie's Song - Improved
You fog up my lenses
like a sight of clitoris
like the mountings of teen hind,
like a cock in the lane
like hot porn on the network,
like a cheapy blue pokin’
you fog up my lenses,
come feel me again.
Come let me love you,
let me give my pike to you
let me drown in your juices,
let me try in your buns
let me lay pipe inside you,
let me always be on you
come let me love you,
come blow me again.
You fog up my lenses
like a sight of clitoris
like the mountings of teen hind,
like a cock in the lane
like hot porn on the network,
like a cheapy blue pokin’
you fog up my lenses,
come feel me again.
January 12, 2004 in Dirty Songs | Permalink
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Don't smash my guitar! I'll get you a beer!
And sing your damn songs, too!
Seriously (snarfle!) how about we do a CD of this stuff? I can arrange the music, the musicians and the recording. Might even make money!?
Posted by: Jon at Jan 12, 2004 10:08:24 AM
You keep this up, George, and you'll be putting the children of keyboard manufacturers all over the world through college AND post-grad studies, dammit!
I'm sooooo glad I put my glass of tea down before I came here... ;-)
Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at Jan 12, 2004 4:18:08 PM
Heh heh heh. 2Dragons said she came... heh heh heh.
George, this stuff would slay them over at Dr. Demento's show.
Posted by: Mamamontezz at Jan 12, 2004 5:00:06 PM
Damn! Forgot to put my drink down! OWOWOWOWOW!! Coke snarfed through the nose really hurts!
George, you are a dangerous man. Please keep up the good work!
Posted by: LC Steve the Imperial Lackey at Jan 12, 2004 5:14:41 PM
Oh look! I came again, too! ;-)
Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at Jan 12, 2004 10:59:18 PM
ouch!!!! this is actually the original!
Posted by: Rupali at Feb 5, 2004 11:35:32 PM
Sung to the tune of "Annie's Song":
I built my own airplane,
Oh, Look! There's the ocean....
Posted by: Herbert Millcot at Jul 13, 2004 4:10:40 PM
hello my name is howard and i am a big lover of
music and i am in two theatre groups and i am in
a male voice choir and i am looking for the
words to last of the summer wine but i don't
know who its by please can you help.
yours faithfully
Howard Wilcock
Posted by: howard at Aug 30, 2004 5:44:07 AM
hahahaha Nice lyrics i particularly enjoy the part were a dirty sexual reference is made :D
oh btw, John denver is cool, and his song is too. lol yeah I have to admit it is soppy but soppy can be good, I mean, ad an L after the S and it is now Sloppy. hahahaha pece out ladies
Posted by: MisterSlippyFist at Mar 5, 2006 5:29:44 AM
Actually, John didn't build the airplane that he crashed, it was actually built by another aviation hobbyist from plans developed by Burt Rutan (i.e. the X-Prize winner), only he made one fatal change to the design, locating the fuel tank switch over the pilot's left shoulder. Denver had purchased the plane from him and was still a novice at controlling the aircraft.
Denver crashed when attempting to switch his plane over to the reserve tank, as he had to turn his head and let go of the flight stick to do so, which caused his bank and resulting crash into the ocean off the coast of California.
As far as the new song lyrics go... I'd say they're uh... interesting... reminds me of the old days when I listened to Luke Skyywalker (before he was sued into renaming the band 2 Live Crew).
Posted by: graffix at Jan 20, 2007 5:08:01 PM
dsljawvng ubaxwzpqv zaqb pxbe lpqrhajm stnc rhjnsyu
Posted by: gchjaq mzfjqh at Mar 6, 2008 8:19:36 PM