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April 29, 2004

Bush Talks to Reporters

President Bush had a little news conference after his testimony before the 9/11 commision. exerpt

PRESIDENT BUSH: The vice president and I just finished a good conversation with the 9/11 commission. It was wide-ranging, it was important, it was just a good discussion. And I really — I appreciated the members.

Wow. So now Bush can't even punctuate properly WHEN HE'S SPEAKING?. Oh, I forgot. It's the journalists who transcribe these things. I can here them now. "Was that pause a comma or a period?"
"Oh, I judging by the way he tilted his head it must've been a semi-colon."
"Naw. Using a comma would make him look stupider."

QUESTION: Mr. President, what topic did the commissioners want to spend most of the time on? And were there any subjects that you didn't answer or were advised by your counsel not to answer?

BUSH: No. I was never advised by my counsel not to answer anything. I answered every question they asked.

Boy, the press must be cursing over that answer. They wanted to nail him for being evasive like Clinton was, when he constantly evaded questions, lied, and even said things like "It depends on what the meaning of 'is' is."

QUESTION: Mr. President, as you know, a lot of critics suggested that you wanted to appear jointly with the vice president so that you two could keep your stories straight or something. Could you tell us what you think of the value of appearing together and how you would answer those critics?

BUSH: First of all, look, if we had something to hide, we wouldn't have met with them in the first place. We answered all their questions.

As I say, I came away good about the session, because I wanted them to know, you know, how I set strategy, how we run the White House, how we deal with threats.

Damn. They struck out again, even with one of the most biased, leading questions I've seen in quite a while.

QUESTION: Don't you think that the families deserved to have a transcript or to be able to see ...

BUSH: You asked me that question yesterday. I got the same answer.

Well, saying "Eat shit and die you terrorist loving communist fuckweasel" would've been a bit over the top, but I'd give Bush stellar marks on the answer he did use.

QUESTION: Can you say with any confidence there are no al-Qaida operatives active in the country today?

BUSH: No, I can't say that.

I'd have followed that up with "In fact, it's not unlikely that you yourself are an al-Qaida operative, based on the types of questions you're asking. So how's that job prospect at Al-Jazeera working out?

QUESTION: Did the commission ask you about that?

BUSH: No, they didn't. But I'm not going to get into any more details about what they asked me. I told you I wasn't going to give any details about what they asked me and then I fell into your trap.

Youch! The President of the United States just told them to their faces that they were laying traps for him. Al-Jazeera wannabes indeed.

April 29, 2004 in Politics | Permalink


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Uh, refresh me on why journalism is among the most despised professions?

Koppel is turning over in his grave. Oh, wait....

Well he should be anyway.

Posted by: lauraw at Apr 30, 2004 9:17:44 AM